How to reset wordpress password using phpMyadmin

Hello! Today we will learn one way to reset wordpress password using phpMyadmin. When to Reset WordPress Password forgot username or email address lost access to your wordpress website password reset feature of wordpress is not working properly some other reasons which prevents you from logging in Steps to Reset User Password Headover to cPanel … Read more

How to fix a broken WordPress Site caused by plugins

Below is the script of the video. If you’re having a hard time digesting what I’m saying, the script below might help! Hello everyone and welcome to myfreelance101! So you got your website up and running, then one morning you just woke up that your site is broken. Now what would you do? In the … Read more

How to edit wordpress comment form fields

wordpress comment template

Below is the script of the video. If you’re having a hard time digesting what I’m saying, the script below might help! Hi, on this tutorial we will try to edit the comment form within wordpress. Let’s try to open a post from the demo site. When we scroll down, there might be a couple … Read more

WordPress 4.9 Tipton – New things to get excited about

Below is the script of the video. If you’re having a hard time digesting what I’m saying, the script below might help! Hi, couple of days ago, WordPress releases its new version which is the WordPress 4.9 Tipton. Along with that are the enhancements on the WordPress core itself. Being an owner of a website … Read more