How to get youtube thumbnail – Simple Steps

There are a lot of reasons why you would want to get youtube video thumbnail and sometimes it is a little bit frustrating doing screenshots of video itself just to end up having a thumb of that video. May it be your own video or someone else’s, there is a simple way to get these … Read more

Missing Text Underline and Text Justify button on WordPress 4.7

With the latest release of WordPress 4.7, the default wordpress editor buttons for aligning text justify and the text underline feature are now missing. The main reason for the removal of buttons is quite simple, they say that it renders inconsistently in different browsers. I do believe that it should not be removed, although they … Read more

How to change Headway’s responsive navigation default label

Change Headway Themes default navigation label Headway Themes responsive navigation offers a great way to give your site visitor with an alternative navigation while browsing on smaller devices such as phones and tablets. It allows the visitor to use a normal navigation while on big screen and then converts itself (well it does not really converts … Read more

Youtube One Channel Template Download

Recently, Youtube has launched it’s new breed of branding in your channel through it’s new campaign called Youtube One Channel. This new process takes branding to the next level. You got a whole new options of manipulating your own channel which make it looks really promising, these includes a way of creating and presenting a … Read more

What is Gravatar?

When you create a profile on top Social Media sites (e.g WordPress, Youtube, Gmail Twitter and so on), you should also create a profile on I mean You “SHOULD”. Here is why: When you visit a site that has Gravatar support that leaves a comment with your email address attached, the site will pull the … Read more